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Magic Wand

Making a magic wand is a playful reminder that you can create your own magic with the power of positive thought and action. When it’s done, hang it on the wall or put if where you’ll see it often; let…

Recipe: Miso ginger dressing

A big bowl of freshly harvested salad greens is a staple on the buffet table at the Centre, sometimes ornately decorated with glorious flower petals, beet and carrot mandalas, other times with a simple side of fresh, homemade sprouts. You…

Join us for Wesak

Join us close to the full moon in May for Wesak, a celebration of the birth, enlightenment and passing of the Buddha. It will be an evening of prayers, chanting, readings and meditation led by representatives of Buddhist groups on…

Many Reasons to Practice Karma Yoga

Karma yoga at the Centre has been a beautiful and transformative experience for many, providing time away from the busy-ness of daily life to connect with one’s self, with nature and with like-minded people. The following are a few more…